I found these panels at the end of a treasure hunt today. They're huge. Both feature about 18 sq. ft. of beer and snacks!
The one on the left has pabst, lowenbrau, strohs, budweiser, high life, michelob, and schlitz beer, in front of an oak barrel and joined by a bowl of peanuts.
The one on the right is a bunch of different beers in varying glassware with a full range of snacks; pretzels, chips, popcorn, etc...
Despite the beers portrayed, I can't look at a picture of cold beer and bar snacks without feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.
I'm not sure what I'll end up doing with these. The images are mounted on 1/2" fiberboard, and they're quite heavy. Labeling on the back indicates that these were produced by a bar furnishing company in 1984. They would make decent wall hangings as is, but the laminate is starting to peel at the edges a little bit here and there, and the images are a bit faded. My thoughts are to coat both pieces with a UV protectant finish, and then possibly a nice layer of epoxy resin to really lock everything in. With a little wood trin around the edges, these could also be turned into nice table tops if enough resin was poured over the surface. We'll see.
I'll hang them for now, and decide their ultimate fate later.
In addition to this retro panels, I picked up a nice antique flat top Heidelberg beer can, a lone star ashtray, and few nice pieces of glassware, including a delerium tremens tulip. All in all, a nice haul.
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